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A live-in chef is being hired by Buckingham Palace, and you might be surprised by the pay

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    Pawel Libera | Contributor | Getty Images

    Buckingham Palace is looking for an "ambitious and qualified" royal chef to prepare meals in the Queen's kitchen.

    The annual salary on offer will be at least £22,076 ($27,629) before tax, although if the successful candidate chooses to accept an offer of live-in accommodation and meals, that figure would be adjusted downward.

    According to the job advertisement, the full-time role also comes with benefits that include 33 paid days off per year (including public holidays) and access to "a range of recreational facilities." The new chef will work five days a week.

    While the position is based in Buckingham Palace, it will also involve traveling to other royal residences.

    The job post states that the right candidate will have a clear passion for food and the catering industry, be at their best working in a team, and work "hands-on" to deliver extraordinary service.

    "As you'd expect, standards are exceptionally high here, and every day is busy, so you'll need to be an ambitious and qualified chef," it says.

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    According to the U.K.'s Office for National Statistics, the median weekly income in the U.K. last year was £569 per week, or £29,588 per year. London's median weekly income is £713, which equates to £37,076 a year.

    Data from global jobs site Indeed shows that the average salary for a Chef de Partie in London is £25,167.

    At £22,076, the starting salary for Buckingham Palace's new Chef de Partie would be more in line with the suggested London living wage of £10.55 per hour.

    In the U.K., the minimum wage varies by age. For someone aged over 25, the minimum wage is £8.21 an hour, meaning a full-time worker older than 25 might expect to earn somewhere in the region of £17,076 a year.

    Meanwhile, 21 to 24 year olds in the U.K. must be paid £7.70 an hour, and those aged between 18 and 20 must legally be paid an hourly rate of £6.15.

    In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for Buckingham Palace told CNBC: "This package includes free accommodation including utilities in central London and all meals, for which there is a nominal adjustment in salary."

    According to the ad, the right candidate will be encouraged to develop their skillset through ongoing training and development programs.

    "You'll prepare diverse menus for a wide range of events, developing new skills that will help you to take the next step in your career," it adds. "Working with quality ingredients and alongside skilled colleagues, your role will be diverse, rotating through all sections of the kitchen."

    Applications for the job close on July 28, just before midnight London time.

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