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Tom Brady becomes the fourth quarterback in NFL history to defeat every team in the league

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    After achieving one historic accomplishment in his return to Gillette Stadium to face the New England Patriots on Sunday night, Tom Brady added another line to his extensive resume.

    With the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' 19-17 win over the Patriots, Brady joined Brett Favre, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning in NFL history as the only quarterbacks to beat all 32 teams.

    Brady also broke Brees' record for career passing yardage earlier in the night.

    Brady's victory marked his 116th in Foxborough, Massachusetts, but his first as a visitor after he won six Super Bowl titles in 20 years alongside Bill Belichick. He also furthered another all-time mark with his 233rd regular-season victory. 

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady (12) calls out a play at the line of scrimmage during the second half of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots, Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021, in Foxborough, Mass.

    Save for the Patriots, Arizona Cardinals and Seattle Seahawks, Brady has defeated every NFL franchise at least twice in the regular season.

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    Two other active quarterbacks – the Green Bay Packers' Aaron Rodgers and Pittsburgh Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger – have beaten every other franchise besides their own.

    Follow Michael Middlehurst-Schwartz on Twitter @MikeMSchwartz.


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    Author: Cheryl Stephens

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    Name: Cheryl Stephens

    Birthday: 1948-05-12

    Address: PSC 6084, Box 8000, APO AE 46002

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    Introduction: My name is Cheryl Stephens, I am a valuable, vivid, frank, tenacious, Determined, courageous, multicolored person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.