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Snake Bits 7/19: The Hand Egg Season Begins Early

Diamondbacks News

Arizona 16, Atlanta 13
Zach Davies had himself another horrendous start, making him the worst starting pitcher by ERA in Arizona history. Jose Ruiz added gas to the fire. Austin Adams lit a match. Fortunately for Arizona, the offense was clicking and Atlanta’s pitching for the evening was just as woeful.

Diamondbacks Survive Slugfest
Arizona came out on top, on the road even, in the highest scoring game of the the 2023 season, so far.

Diamondbacks Outlast Braves
It’s probably a good thing this game ended when it did. Both teams were gassed as the game came to a close.

Walker Leads the Way
Christian Walker hit two home runs in Atlanta to help lead the Diamondbacks over the Braves in a 16-13 slugfest.

It was THAT kind of game

MLB Now Producing, Distributing Diamondbacks Games
No agreement could be reached between Arizona and Bally Sports. MLB is now handling all of Arizona’s broadcast needs until a new solution can be reached.

Merrill Kelly to Make Another Rehab Start
Merrill Kelly continues his cautious path back to the mound. The workhorse righty will make another rehab start to prepare to help Arizona attempt to stay in playoff contention. Josh Rojas is also nearing a return from the IL.

Other Baseball News

2023 Trade Values 21-30
Zac Gallen checks in at # 24, right ahead of Shohei Ohtani. That seems like two talents unlikely to realize their value at this season’s deadline.

T.J. McFarland Elects Free Agency
Old Friend Alert

Outfield Trade Chip in Colorado
Apparently, Randal Grichuk is still a thing.

Each Contender’s Best Trade Fit
MLB pundits have the Rays targeting the starting depth this author would love to see Arizona pursue.


Article information

Author: Phillip Gould

Last Updated: 1702966922

Views: 1060

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Author information

Name: Phillip Gould

Birthday: 1910-03-30

Address: 87389 Taylor Station Apt. 181, East Donna, KS 32277

Phone: +3740490609633052

Job: Chemical Engineer

Hobby: Painting, Crochet, Animation, Yoga, Soccer, Billiards, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Phillip Gould, I am a venturesome, lively, rich, unreserved, daring, courageous, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.